Our Address: Haddenham Community Infant School, Woodways, Haddenham, Bucks, HP17 8DS
Telephone: 01844 291207 email:
1. Report a child absent
2. School Office
The School Office is open from 9.00am to 3.30pm each school day. This amounts to 32.5 hours per week.
Please note that the school car park is reserved for staff, educational visitors and contractors only, between the hours of 7.00am and 6.00pm. If there are specific circumstances for parents/carers, that necessitate vehicular access to the school at any time, then please call in and speak to the office staff who will inform the Headteacher who will consider the circumstances.
No private cars or taxis should come into the car park during the school day for both safety and security reasons.
There is parking available in the Haddenham Tennis Club, the Village Hall and at the parade of shops.