School Uniform


 Our school uniform is available to purchase from PL Schoolwear.

 Unit 56

Edison Road,

Rabans Lane Estate,

Aylesbury     HP19 8TE

 Tel: 01296 488000


Opening Hours

Monday to Thursday - 9am-6pm

Friday - 9am-5pm Saturday (term time) - 9am–12pm

Saturday (school holidays) -  9am-3pm


Uniform required is as follows:

Badged sweatshirt/cardigan - compulsory 

White polo shirt (generic) - compulsory

Grey trousers/skirts/dresses (generic) - compulsory

Summer dresses (red and white checked, generic) - optional

Black school shoes - compulsory

Badged PE t-shirt - compulsory

Book bag - compulsory

PE Bag - optional

Trainers - compulsory for PE


Other items are such as hats, hoodies, fleeces, waterproof coats are also available to buy.

Water bottles are available from the school office.



If you would like to purchase any 2nd hand uniform please email us at with details of what you are looking for including sizes/age with your child’s name and class.

Branded Jumpers and cardigans £3
PE logo T-shirt £2
White polo shirt £1
PE shorts £1
HCIS Book bags £2
Trousers / Shorts / Pinafores / Skirts £2 each
Plimsoles £2

Go To The Stikins Site To Order Labels

Stikins Name Labels

 Our PTA has signed up to the Stikins clothing labels fundraising scheme.  The PTA receive up to 30% commission on all orders placed when quoting our reference.

The Stikins school fundraising scheme has distributed thousands of pounds amongst participating schools every year since 2004. 

Follow this link which takes you to the Stikins website where our unique school fundraising number has been pre-populated to activate the 30% commission.  Our number is 8734.