SEN Special Educational Needs
At Haddenham Community Infant School we pride ourselves on catering for the needs of each individual child. We make every effort to be supportive and considerate in the education and care of your child. We have a body of highly qualified and experienced teaching and support staff who provide a nurturing environment in which all children can thrive and succeed.
When a child is identified as falling behind or struggling in a particular area or areas of the curriculum, the school evaluates the provision in place for the child.
Quality First Teaching (QFT)
QFT uses effective teaching strategies and techniques that meet the needs of all pupils. Work is pitched at appropriate levels for the differing groups ensuring all children are challenged to their full potential.
Triggers for further intervention occur when your child makes little or no progress across the term, shows signs of difficulty in developing literacy or numeracy skills, presents persistent emotional and/or behavioural difficulties or has sensory or physical needs.
Booster/Intervention Work
Once a child has been identified as falling behind their peers, Booster/Intervention work is given to accelerate progress. These groups tend to be smaller and at this point our school has a duty of care to notify parents of the extra support their child requires.
SEN Register
If Booster work proves unsuccessful and the child continues to struggle they will be identified as having a Special Educational Need. Parents will be given an Individual Provision Map (IPM) to sign and support.
Education Health Care Plan
For a very small minority of pupils, the above additional support is not enough. If a child's needs require more than 13.5 hours support, our school would apply 'Top Up Funding' and make a request for an Education Health Care Plan.
English as an Additional Language (EAL)
Children must not be regarded as having a learning difficulty solely because the language from home is different from the language in which they are taught. EAL programmes are put into place to help these children develop the vocabulary and language they need to access learning.
If a child has a disability that does not impact on their capacity to learn, they are recorded as having a disability on the SEND register. If a child has a disability which does impact on their learning, they would be given additional support and an Individual Provision Map (IPM).
Outcomes for pupils with SEND
We help children:
Reach their full potential
Achieve their personal best
Make progress
Feel valued and included
Enjoy school
Develop a love of learning
Partnership with Parents
Our school works in partnership with parents to meet your child's needs. This means:
We listen to your views with opportunities for informal discussion
You are equal partners in decisions about your child's education
You are kept informed about your child's needs through review meetings and parent's meetings
We invite your opinions and ideas for future SEN developments
For further information, please contact:
SENDCO: Lucy McNeil
SEN Governor/GT Governor: Marjorie Johnston
Useful Resources and Contacts
Buckinghamshire SEN Policy
Parent Partnership Service
(01296) 383754